Membership & Funding


The Constitution of the SCCG states it is a membership organisation. So, as well as having named representatives from the major Christian denominations, other organisations and individuals can be members too.

Membership is open to all individuals or representatives of a group who agree with the aims of the SCCG and want to support our work by, for example, attending meetings, keeping up to date with information circulated, praying and giving.

There is no cost for membership subscription but joining is the best way to make sure you are kept up-to-date with all our work. We would only hold your data for that purpose – please see our privacy policy by clicking here.) Members are welcome to make a donation if they wish or become further involved with the work of the SCCG in other ways.

View or download our Membership Form here


The Scottish Churches China Group is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation, regulated by the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR). As such we are governed by an approved constitution and accountable to the regulator to use funds entrusted to the charity for its charitable purposes.

We receive funding from the Barbour Trust for specific restricted use and each year this is our main source of income. In addition we regularly receive grants from the Pollock Memorial Missionary Trust. We also receive support from churches and individuals in Scotland. The United Free Church of Scotland makes an annual grant to cover core costs. In addition, the Society of Friends makes a small annual grant. We’re very grateful for this support from such a wide range of people and organisations.

As a registered charity, we can reclaim gift aid on donations from taxpayers and would welcome your support. Please contact Patricia Johnston at for any further information about supporting Scottish Churches China Group financially.

You can view our latest Annual Report here.