Partners in Scotland

Formed in 1990 as Scotland’s national ecumenical instrument, Action of Churches Together in Scotland (ACTS) brings together nine denominations in Scotland.

Alzheimer Scotland
Alzheimer Scotland provides a wide range of specialist services for people with dementia and their carers. China is the fastest-ageing population in the world. Among the priorities for local, provincial and national government is the need to build care and support services for the elderly, particularly for people living with dementia. The SCCG and specialists from Alzheimer Scotland are seeking to build the skills of Chinese-partner Amity Foundation staff working in residential and community care of the elderly in China.

Churches Together in Britain & Ireland (CBTI)
Churches Together is an instrument by which the churches journey towards full visible unity.  Their China Forum is a space for highly-informed debate on church policies in regard to China. It provides a channel of communication between the China work and its British and Irish stakeholders.

Friends of Church in China
Friends of the Church in China is made up of Christians in Britain and Ireland who seek to promote contact, partnership and mutual understanding with Christians in China.

Macmillan Cancer Support
Macmillan is one of the best-known cancer charities in the UK and supplies advice and support for people living with cancer and their families. Palliative care is in its infancy in China. To assist our partners in Shengjing Hospital build a skilled team of doctors and nurses, we are delighted to be able to work with Macmillan Clinical Nurse Specialists (Palliative Care) to achieve this goal.

The Scotland China Education Network (SCEN)
Founded in 2006, the Scotland China Education Network (SCEN) exists to promote the learning of Chinese and about China in Scottish schools.

Scottish Autism
Scottish Autism is the largest provider of autism-specific services in Scotland and a leading authority and advocate for good autism practice. Through placements at the New Struan School and expert speakers taking part in international conferences in Nanjing, the SCCG and Scottish Autism are working together to develop the skills of Special Need Teachers working in the Amity Children’s Development Centre.