The aims of this project are:

  • To compare and contrast the diverse lifestyles of children in Scotland with the diversity experienced by children in China.
  • To investigate how events in the past have shaped children's lives in today's China.
  • To raise awareness of humanitarian and conservation issues in China.
  • To prepare children for and involve them in Enterprising Global Citizenship.

Why learn about China?

What does the word China mean to you?

Does it instantly conjure up images of rice, chop sticks and lanterns, or do you think of more complex high-brow matters such as communism, trade and population growth?

China supports the largest population in the world, yet to the majority of people living outside it, relatively little is known or understood about the place or the people.

Although an ancient civilisation, responsible for countless achievements throughout history, the rate of growth and development experienced at the moment is unprecedented and has taken the world by surprise.

In terms of trade, industry and tourism, China has become a major player in the world market.

In 2008, all eyes were on China for the Olympics held in Beijing. This has been a huge step forward in terms of accessibility to a country which has often avoided world attention. We will truly have the opportunity to see what it has to offer.

This accessibility is set to grow and flourish, therefore children in primary school today; the traders, tourists and business people of tomorrow, must be equipped with the skills, knowledge and understanding, which will allow entry into China with ease.

The importance of Chinese language has already been recognised as a necessary addition to the curriculum. Indeed courses are now in the process of being prepared for secondary schools.

This project will be a firm foundation to build the necessary skills, knowledge and understanding, by providing a context to explore the fascinating history, geography, culture, society and belief systems which shape life today in China.

Exploring China
the pack

The Scottish Churches' China Group cooperates with the efforts of various organisations in China to improve the development and harmony of its needy citizens, and to help those serving others there.

Scottish Churches China Group
(a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation)
Princes Exchange,
1 Earl Grey Street
Edinburgh EH3 9EE

© 2009 SCCG (a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation) all rights reserved: Scottish Charity Number SC033740